photograph of an underground train orbiting a palimpsest moon

Consider this a placeholder, whilst I figure out how to build this out in a way that makes sense for ongoing nonsense.

The goal is to try and keep a sense of the cohost energy here, broken out into reviews, artwork (WIP and completed), signal boosting and probably some basic blogging

With a lot of help and a commitment to ignoring what I should have been doing, I've figured out the RSS feed RSS feed

  1. Steps to get this off the ground
  2. figure out sections
  3. RSS sorted babyyyy check the rss - i'm going to have to update the backend because I've just realised I'd rather it is set up for individual posts, not just one continuous file
  4. cry into some css styleguide tip pages
eggbug forever by holomancy this html has got me feeling a little hypnospace gooper from hypnospace outlaw